Database Hosting

Winhost includes support for Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Microsoft Access with all our hosting plans for free.

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Microsoft SQL Hosting

We include SQL database service with all our ASP.NET Hosting Plans. The SQL databases are hosted on Shared SQL servers - where we securely host SQL databases for many customers on a single SQL database server. Shared SQL reduces the costs for each SQL database so that we can include the SQL database service for our hosting plans.

We host your SQL data on separate Shared SQL servers and promise never to host websites and SQL databases on the same server.

You get DBO rights and we support integrated full text search, stored procedures, and ASP.NET SQL Session. You can manage your SQL database remotely using SQL Management Studio or SQL Management Studio Express.

Winhost's Basic ASP.NET hosting plan includes a single MS SQL database. Winhost's Max, Ultimate and Power ASP.NET hosting plans offer unlimited MS SQL databases.

We offer SQL 2022, 2019, SQL 2017 as database options.

Private SQL Server

If you do not want to share the SQL Server with other customers, then we do offer Private SQL Servers as an add-on.

Private SQL is your own virtual server that is dedicated to your SQL databases and no other customer will use that server.

With Private SQL your SQL databases will have access to all of the server resources - storage, memory and CPU.

MySQL Hosting

MySQL is a popular database system used by many of the most popular open source apps - like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. All of these open source apps can be installed using Winhost's One-Click-App Installer in your control panel.

We include MySQL database service with all our hosting plans. The MySQL databases are hosted on Shared MySQL servers - where we securely host MySQL databases for many customers on a single MySQL database server. We host your MySQL data on separate Shared MySQL servers and promise never to host websites and MySQL databases on the same server.

Winhost's Basic hosting plan includes a single MySQL database. Winhost's Max, Ultimate and Power web hosting plans offer unlimited MySQL databases.

Microsoft Access Hosting

Access database is part of Microsoft's Office Suite. Even though Access is typically used as a desktop application, the Access database can also be used as a file based database to drive websites. Access is not as robust or scalable as MS SQL but for lighter website activities, Access can be a solution.

We have heard that some hosts are dropping their support for Access database. That's fine - you can move your site to Winhost since we have no plans to stop supporting Access databases. We'll be offering awesome Access hosting for a long time.

All Winhost ASP.NET hosting plans offer unlimited Access database hosting.

If your website uses a database, whether it's Microsoft SQL or MySQL, that database should live on a server dedicated to, and optimized for, database hosting. Database hosting at Winhost is all done on specialized, dedicated database servers. Your databases never share hardware with a web server or any other kind of server (Microsoft Access is the exception to that rule, as an Access database is stored on your web server).

  • Microsoft SQL databases are relational databases (Microsoft SQL Server is an RDBMS: Relational Database Management System). Microsoft SQL databases are used for workloads ranging from small applications to large Internet applications with many concurrent users. Microsoft SQL databases have been around for a long time, starting with SQL Server 1.0, which was developed for the OS/2 operating system in 1989.
  • MySQL databases are relational databases like Microsoft SQL, but MySQL is open source, meaning there are no licensing fees to pay when setting up a MySQL server. The first version of MySQL appeared in 1995.
    • The "SQL" in MySQL and Microsoft SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is the most popular language for content management in a database (it differs from "NoSQL" databases because it is structured, where NoSQL does not use table relations like relational databases such as Microsoft SQL and MySQL). SQL is widely used due to its quick processing, reliability and ease and flexibility of use.
  • Microsoft Access is another database from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a GUI interface and software development tools. Microsoft Access was first released in 1992, and remains a popular database for desktop use.

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